There is nothing comparable to a good diving session and those who have tried it tend to repeat the experience. Scuba diving is a must when visiting holiday destinations such as Cancun, the Maldives or Indonesia. On the other hand, enthusiasts don’t only dive incidentally when they go on holiday, but they plan their trips around mythical underwater sites around the world.

Enjoyable as it is, diving can also be a dangerous sport if overlooking some basic safety rules. Here are a few basic things you should learn before you put your wetsuit on:

1.    Get proper training

It comes without saying, being trained by a professional is the first think you should do when it comes to scuba diving. A PADI certification would be ideal but some resorts offer shorter and more basic training. In that case, 30 feet is the maximum depth you should attempt.

2.    Mind your breath

Beginners tend to take short and shallow breathes, but the best way is to breath slowly and to exhale fully. Remember, you mustn’t hold your breath, since this can lead to lung injuries.

3.    Never dive alone

No matter how confident you feel or how well you know the area, you should always dive with a buddy. If something unexpected happens that person can save your life.

4.    Ascend slowly

Even amateurs know that if you ascend too quickly you risk getting “the bends” or decompression sickness. The bends is caused by breathing nitrogen or other gases under pressure, which are not metabolised by the body and remain in blood and tissues. In order to avoid ending up in a decompression chamber for the rest of your holidays – or even worse – you shouldn’t ascend more than 30 feet per minute. Always do a safety stop at 15 feet for at least three minutes after deeper dives. Try not to propel yourself to the surface after a safety stop and ascend slowly all the way up.

5.    Check your equipment and plan your dive in advance

Even if you’re using your own equipment you should always check it beforehand – let alone if this is rented. You don’t want to find out that your scuba regulator is not working once you are underwater. Additionally, before going down, you should know the maximum depth you will go, as well as the amount of bottom time you’ll have and how much air you’ll have when you start to ascend.

Obviously, this list is by no means a comprehensive one, but it will help you get your head around it. If you are planing to visit some of the best diving destinations in the world, you could start booking a holiday to Cancun or a luxury break to the Maldives with Kenwood Travel, your best travel buddy when it comes to holiday packages.

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