Kicking off the Easter build-up we listed our Top 5 craziest and tastiest Easter celebrations across the globe. From real crucifixions to Hunky Jesus parades, prepare to be both amused and confused.

1. TobagoCapture

And the crown for wackiest Easter tradition goes to Tobago! Each Easter Tuesday families flock to the village of Buccoo to place bets on the annual goat race where jockeys sprint alongside their competing goat, guiding them towards the finish. Established 80 years ago the races began as a poor man’s answer to the upper class Easter Monday horse races. It didn’t take long though for goat to beat horse in the popularity stakes, making Holy Tuesday an unofficial holiday. Goat racing is a highly regarded sport entailing rigorous training, and even has its own $100 million arena. During the event crab races also occur; these quirky races are incredibly entertaining albeit not as popular as the main goat fest. After the triumphant crustaceans and goats have been ceremoniously crowned there is a lively celebratory fete.

2. San Franciscofinal

It’s go big or go home at San Francisco’s Easter Parade! Nicknamed the ‘Biggest Little Parade’ the Easter Sunday festivities begin with family fun complete with petting zoos, pony rides, marching bands, colourful floats, Disney appearances, Easter egg hunts, and an Easter Bonnet Contest. At noon however the parade transforms into an eccentric and totally scandalous celebration of a more adult nature. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of cross dressing nuns, take over the entertainment hosting a sing-along to the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and leading the famously controversial Hunky Jesus and Foxy Mary contest. Attendees don outlandish costumes following an announced theme and picnic as they enjoy the brazen comical spectacle. Warning: the show is likely to contain some nudity and plenty of twerking… Only in America!

3. PhilippinesEnhanced Crucifixion pic

The Philippines tops our list for its gruesome Easter customs. Each year the Philippines attracts crowds with its real life re-enactments of the crucifixion. In the ultimate act of religious penance, devout (and brave) Filipino Catholics offer themselves to be nailed to a cross to experience Jesus’ suffering firsthand. And that’s not all! In another macabre tradition hardcore Catholics take part in a self-flagellation parade in which participants lash themselves as they walk the streets bearing their fresh wounds to onlookers. So as you dig into your roast and scoff chocolate eggs, in the Philippines people are literally volunteering to be whipped and crucified!

4. Jamaica

Jamaica wins a spot for its unique superstitions and traditions. Firstly, although eggs are synonymous with Easter worldwide, in Jamaica they take on a different role! Many Jamaicans believe that if you crack an egg on Holy Thursday evening, on Good Friday your future will appear in the egg whites; certain patterns indicate different fates for example a church suggests marriage, a ship means travel, and a coffin…needless to say, you don’t want that one to come up. Another Easter myth states that at noon on Good Friday if you cut a physic nut tree it oozes a red substance symbolizing the blood of Christ. So don’t be surprised if at midday you spot people hacking at trees.

5. Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic takes fifth place for its concoction of one of the most deliciously unique Easter treats we’ve ever come across. Forget hot cross buns, its all about Habichuelas con Dulce this Easter! The soup-like dessert is made by soaking red kidney beans overnight; once the beans soften, evaporated milk and coconut milk are added and brought to boil, followed by sweet potato, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, butter and raisins. The weirdly random mix is then served with milk cookies for some delicious dunking.

6. Los Angeles

One for luck? I know we said top 5 but here’s an extra that was too cute to miss… On Easter Saturday in Olvera Street people take their favourite animals to mass! Cats, dogs, ferrets, cows you name it, the animals and humans wear their Sunday best to meet the Archbishop for this fur-tastic blessing.

[The videobomber at 1:35 minutes proudly states in Spanish while signalling the lady’s beloved pet iguana: ‘Those are great to eat’… um, perhaps he missed the point of the celebration?]

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